Welcome to RepRafferty.com! Your information hub for House District 54 and legislative updates.
I’m fighting to ensure you can access the affordable healthcare you need and deserve.
Your healthcare is my priority. It’s time to expand Medicaid, eliminate healthcare “deserts”, and prevent more hospitals from closing. I’ve passed legislation to help attract and retain more medical professionals throughout Alabama. Together, we can build a healthy Alabama. hat’s also why I am proud to serve as a Board Member for The Cahaba Valley Health Care Board and Youth Serve.
You have the right and deserve to be treated fairly. Opportunity isn’t just for the privileged few, it’s for all of us. That’s what makes us. #BetterTogether54
I’m committed to ending disparities of opportunity in our community. You shouldn’t have to pay regressive taxes, like the “pink” or grocery tax. You should be free to make the choices that are best for you and not be denied opportunity because of who you are.
You deserve an experienced and competent leader that will expand educational, training, and workforce opportunities in Alabama. My vision is an Alabama that grows the jobs of the future. An Alabama where you feel free and empowered to thrive
Whether you’re a college grad or work in a trade, you should be paid a living wage and have access to benefits that enrich and improve your quality of life. Opportunity is fueled by education, innovation, and persistence. I’m here to be your voice in the Alabama Legislature for House District 54 and real results that matter to you. #RaffertyGetsResults