2024 Legislative Priorities
As Platform Chair for the Alabama House Democratic Caucus, I fully support our Vision for Progress focused on your freedom and your future. The platform details solutions for expanding the economy, investing in public education, increasing access to affordable healthcare, securing the right to vote, and comprehensive criminal justice reform.
During the 2024 legislative session, I’m working on legislation and policies to remove the “pink” tax from feminine, maternal, and infant products, expanding portable benefits for gig workers, and ending cruel and experimental nitrogen hypoxia executions for those on Alabama’s death row. I’m also working to expand economic and entrepreneurial opportunities with Innovate Alabama, to increase access to childcare for working families, and to ensure that the monies received from Alabama’s opioid settlements are directed properly toward substance abuse treatment and prevention.
Some bills have not yet been filed this session but this page will be updated as they are filed.
In 2023 I co-sponsored the 2023 Grocery Tax Reduction legislation.
In 2024, I am proud to co-sponsor the Alabama Right to Contraception Act (HB279) and Childcare Tax Credits (to be introduced this session).

Sponsored Legislation
by Session Year
Some bills have not yet been filed this session but this page will be updated as they are filed.
HB236 - This bill would exempt the purchase of certain baby supplies, baby formula, maternity clothing, and menstrual hygiene products for personal use from the state portion of sales and use tax.
HB248 - This bill would prohibit the state from executing an individual by means of nitrogen hypoxia. This bill would also make nonsubstantive, technical revisions to update the existing code language to current style.
HB298 - Taxation, Lt General Victor "Brute" Krulak Detachment of Marine Corps League, exempt from sales and use tax
HB133 - Relating to state income tax; to establish the Preceptor Tax Incentive Program to provide income tax credit incentives for certain medical students who train in rural and underserved counties in the state.
HB205 - Relating to the Alabama Sunset Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the Alabama Athletic Commission until October 1, 2027.
HB206 - Relating to the Alabama Sunset Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the Alabama Athlete Agents Commission until October 1, 2027.
HB207 - Relating to the Alabama Sunset Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the Alabama Board of Examiners of Landscape Architects until October 1, 2027.
HB304 - Relating to alcoholic beverage sales; to amend Section 28-3A-17.2, Code of Alabama 1975; to further provide for alcoholic beverage sales by food and beverage trucks within established entertainment districts by extending the license to municipalities in all classes.
HB438 - To amend Section 40-23-4, as last amended by Act 2022-291, Act 2022-293, Act 2022-373, and Act 2022-199, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to sales tax exemptions; to provide for a sales and use tax exemption for certain purchases of diapers; to provide for a sales and use tax exemption for certain purchases of menstrual hygiene products; to provide for definitions; and to provide for rulemaking authority.
HB459 - Relating to motor vehicles; establishing the Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Program Act; to provide for the operation of peer-to-peer car sharing programs in the state; and to amend Section 40-12-222, Code of Alabama 1975, to exclude lessors of peer-to-peer car sharing vehicles from liability for certain taxes on the proceeds of vehicle rental and leasing.
HB1 - Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, to provide workplace protections against pregnancy discrimination and related medical conditions
HB233 - Taxation, sales tax exemptions, sales and use tax exemption provided for certain purchases of diapers and feminine hygiene products
HB234 - Alcoholic beverages, food trucks, license to sell alcoholic beverages for public consumption authorized in Class 1 municipalities
HB243 - Parole, to revise the criteria for parole consideration
HB408 - Economic Development incentives, Revenue Department required to submit a Unified Economic Development Budget
HB462 - Firearms, Voluntary Alabama Firearms Do-Not-Sell List created, Mental Health Department to administer
HB54 - Athletic Trainers, Board of, sunset law review, continued until October 1, 2025
HB55 - Genetic Counseling, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until October 1, 2025
HB56 - Podiatry, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until October 1, 2025
HB57 - Athletic Commission, sunset law review, continued until October 1, 2023
HB95 - Taxation, HUB Worldwide, exempt from state, county and municipal sales and use taxes
HB265 - Psychology Professional Wellness Committee, established within Psychology Examiners board to provide intervention services to impaired licensed professionals, duties, immunity provided, Sec. 34-26-4 added
HB266 - Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, established to authorize licensed psychologists to practice on a limited basis among compact member states
HB352 - Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, to provide workplace protections against pregnancy discrimination and related medical conditions, Secs. 25-15-1 to 25-15-7, inclusive, added; Secs. 25-2-2, 25-2-7 am'd.
HB433 - Voter registration, authorize registration same day as election, Sec. 17-3-50 am'd.
HB450 - Motor vehicles, Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Program Act, operation of programs provided for
HB544 - Death penalty repealed, Secs. 13A-5-39, 13A-5-43, 13A-5-44, 15-18-100 am'd; Secs. 13A-5-45 to 13A-5-53, inclusive, 13A-5-55, 13A-5-59, 15-18-80 to 15-18-86, inclusive, repealed
HB627 - Food trucks, license to sell alcoholic beverages for public consumption authorized in Class 1 municipalities, Sec. 28-3A-17.1 added.
HB474 - Entertainment districts, allow wineries, distilleries, and breweries to sell alcohol for consumption within districts, revise qualifications for certain municipalities to establish
HB476 - Water resources act, coordination of plans relating to water allocation required, restrictions of use under certain conditions, award of conservation credits to certain consumers, Alabama water security and conservation act
HB486 - Voter registration, authorize registration same day as election
HB487 - Taxation, to increase the fee for recording certain mortgages, deeds of trust, contracts of conditional sale, or other instruments of like character and to modify rate and distribution of funds